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Import members for enrollment

Import a spreadsheet of member detail into the MemberXG administration features to prep for enrollment.

Note: You must have the Online Enrollment MemberXG add-on to access this feature.
Note: If you plan to set individual election dates for each member, make sure the spreadsheet includes Election From and Election Thru columns, and that each member is assigned dates.

See Import enrollment configuration to import an enrollment time frame and its details.

Important! Before managing enrollment, make sure you're working on the correct group's member portal. See Environment managementto choose what site to work on.

Home > System Administration > MemberXG > Import/Export Enrollment

  1. Select if you're importing to the system-level (Single Group) or to a specific group (Multiple Groups).
  2. Select Member File from the Type list.
  3. Select the enrollment time frame to add the members to for Open Enrollment Dates.
  4. Click .
  5. Browse your system and select the spreadsheet to upload. Click .

  6. Click .

    The import screen now displays a new column (Prepped) that indicates if each bundleClosed A benefits package that members can choose to elect during enrollment. was successfully prepped and added to the open enrollment time frame for members to select.

    The imported members now display in the Manage Enrollment Open tab. See Manage online enrollment.

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